Monday, August 13, 2012

Hair News.

Today is a big one in the world of hair.  Miley Cyrus did this. Crazy right? You better believe I discussed it for hours with my friend Jackie. That's what hairstylists do. We discuss celebrity haircuts for hours. OK, maybe we don't all do that, but I sure do!

Anyways, in even bigger hair news, this happened again:

I tried to stray away from red hair. I told myself "Do something new, be blonde for awhile!" Well, that lasted about two months. Having red hair feels more like me than the color that actually grows out of my head. One day I'll learn to not stray away! Now, I know you guys are thinking "Um, this is huge, why isn't she the one on the news because of her new hair instead of Miley Cyrus?" I understand. I'm wondering the same exact thing.

Happy Monday!

P.s. If you've not red my post titled "An Ode to Red Hair," then you can read it here.


  1. Beautiful! Red heads are the best! :)

  2. If red works for you, flaunt it girl! you look great! and what did you think of Miley Cyrus' hair? I was shocked!

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