Sunday, July 31, 2011

The week.

1. The awesome giant coffee mugs at work.
2. Haircuts in the kitchen. Ian has an awesome dapper dan haircut. He's bonafide (name that film).
3. Fremont Brewery.
4. I love when things are organized by color. Especially in craft stores. 
5. Sunshine and my little pink couch.
6. The hubs on a date....with his phone. (just kidding)

p.s. Can you believe it's August already? 

Saturday, July 30, 2011

She's on fire.

Dress-Forever 21 Sweater-? Shoes- Urban Outfitters
This dress is one of my favorites at the moment. It's really easy to wear, and I love the combo of orange + blue. I wore it in a previous outfit post here, if you missed it. My hairdo has also become a favorite of mine recently. It's called the "I like to pretend like my hair is long" do. I don't think I'm fooling anyone, but I love it none the less. It's a great change from having it down and in my face all the time. 

Taking pictures today was a bit awkward. (hence the slightly awkward face I make in all the pics)
This man, let's call him Dave, decided to come hangout in the alley where we were shooting. He decided to relieve himself in front of us, and then proceeded to let me know that I look like I am "on fire." 
I was a bit tempted to say "Yes, Dave. Yes I am." Don't worry, I saved myself the embarrassment and just giggled a bit. 

I hope you are all having a wonderful Saturday. I'm off to go eat some Vietnamese food with the hubs. Goodnight <3


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Pinterest inspiration

This fall, I am throwing a bridal shower for one of my dear friends, Rachael. The shower has a peacock theme, and I threw together an inspiration board on my pinterest for ideas for the party. It has been really helpful because I have never planned a party before...and was a bit clueless as to where to start. I wanted to share some of my favorite pictures that I found inspiring. Hope you enjoy! And if you are on pinterest, add me :)


                                                             Source: via Kelsey on Pinterest

                                                            Source: via Kelsey on Pinterest

                                                                            Source: via Kelsey on Pinterest

                                                                     Source: via Kelsey on Pinterest

                                                                 Source: via Kelsey on Pinterest

                                                     Source: via Kelsey on Pinterest

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sunday picnics


Sunday was an absolutely gorgeous day. 
The kind of day that is fit only for picnicking in the park!
After a week with crazy long hours, I got to sleep in, enjoy some delicious coffee, and then go on a date with the hubs. We went to Gas Works Park, which is on Lake Union and a beautiful place to view the city. For those of you who are not from Seattle or ever visited, the park is located where the old gas and electric plant was located. It has an artificial kite flying hill, and has the original towers and such from the gas plant. In reality, it's kind of a bizarre place, but that is what makes it so awesome. 
We ate some lunch, soaked up the sun, and watched sailboats for a few hours. It was awesome. 
I think people in Seattle appreciate the sunshine more than anywhere else. It's rare to come across anyone who is in a bad mood on a sunny day. It's magical. 

Hope your Sunday was just as lovely.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Saturday night.

 shirt-Forever 21 jeans-H&M shoes-Steve Madden 

Here is a quick outfit post, and a quick hello! I wore this on Saturday to work, and then out with the hubs for a dinner date. I love these shoes. They are pretty comfy, yet entirely too slippery. I must have almost done the splits three times while wearing them. I knew they would give me problems when I put them on this morning, but I throw caution to the wind for the sake of cute green shoes. Sure, I may have embarrassed myself in the middle of the grocery store, but I was stylin'.
I apologize for the lack of posts this past week, I've been trying to get back in the groove after traveling. I promise more posts will be coming soon!


Thursday, July 21, 2011


My best friend, Sharla, is the coolest. And last week I got to see her for the first time in a year and a half. Crazy, right? She's been living overseas for the past year, so our only contact was email and skype. 
We've been besties since 1st grade. We were inseparable. We looked like sisters, and got a kick out of telling people we were twins. Her family is my family, and vice versa.
It's funny how different two best friend's lives can end up. I'm a wife who does hair in Seattle and works with high school kids,  and she is a world traveler who lives in California with a passion for sharing Jesus with the world. 
Somehow, we have always remained best friends.
Somehow, the distance has never caused us to drift apart and lose contact.
Somehow, I know we will be friends until we are old, wrinkly, and have a million grandchildren.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A whole new world.


Sunday was an amazing night. Why? Well because I got to see the new Aladdin stage musical that is premiering here in Seattle. Let me explain why this was so awesome, through the eyes of my 5 year old self.
1. Aladdin is one of the first movies I remember seeing in a movie theater.

2. I was obsessed with the movie soundtrack, and listened to it daily.

3. I often made my brother, who was three at the time, do choreographed dances with me to the soundtrack. You know, simple moves like making him lift me above his head and catching me in his arms. Not sure he ever actually caught me.

4. I had awesome Jasmine pajamas. I wore them constantly, and remember they were bright purple. 

I love musicals. A lot. 


Sunday, July 17, 2011

I dream of Etsy.

I decided to share a few of my favorite items that I am lusting over. Some are things I very well may purchase, while others I like to just pretend that I'll buy one day :).

1. This vintage party dress from Little Things Vintage.
2. This mermaid pendant from Mermaid Lagoon Beads .
3. This print from Amy A Walters.
4. and 5. These beautiful printed book pages from Nommon.
6. This glass paperweight of one of my favorite Jane Austen quotes from Bixler and Johnson.

Hope you enjoyed looking at a few of my favorite things from the site.
Happy Sunday!

Friday, July 15, 2011


   Wednesday was spent in San Francisco with my two favorite ladies, my mom and my sister.   I miss living near San Francisco. It is near to my heart, and being there always brings back a lot of good memories. It is such a beautiful city, and I love getting to visit while I am with my family. While we were there we did a variety of things.
 We ate amazing ice cream sundaes from Ghirardelli
We purchased a few loafs of sourdough bread from Boudin.
We consumed way too much salt water taffy.
My mom bought some amazing nectarines and plums on Pier 39.
OK, so I guess all we really did was eat. Food trips are great.

My mom and sister are pretty awesome. And well, so are my brothers and my dad. I always feel refreshed after spending a few days with them. I'm so thankful that the Lord has given me such an awesome family. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to try and figure out a plan on how to get the family to move to Seattle....


Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Remember when I said I had exciting things happening this week?
One of them was flying down to California to surprise my mama!
It's her birthday this week, and I just found out on Saturday that I was able to fly home for a few days.
So right now I am sitting here, on my parents big soft couch, and enjoying the warm summer air. I always tell people how much I am glad I don't live here anymore, but it will always have my heart.
 Not only have I been able to see my family, but I get to see my best friend (since 1st grade) for the first time in over 1 and 1/2 years. I missed that lady like no other.
Tomorrow we are off to San Francisco, I simply cannot wait.
Below are a few snapshots of my hometown. One from my parents backyard. The brown and gold hills sure are pretty!


Monday, July 11, 2011

Two Years

Two years ago today, I married a Mr., and became a Mrs.

The past two years have been the most rewarding, most challenging, and most wonderful years of my life. It's hard to believe that we have only been married for two years sometimes. I think it's because we've been together for almost seven. (I'm 23....if you do the math, that is a crazy long time for how old I am!) I've spent so much of my life with this man, and I am so thankful that God gave us the gift of marriage.

Thanks for loving me as much as you do, and for being an amazing husband who strives to live everyday for Jesus. I love you, and happy two years! 

Here's to a million more!