Monday, June 27, 2011

She and Him.

She wore: Shirt- H&M, shorts - Target, Glitter shoes- Toms, Scarf- thrifted

He wore: Cardigan- Forever 21, Shirt- American Apparel,  Pants- Forever 21, Shoes- Steve Madden

We spent yesterday soaking up some sunshine, and hanging out with our youth group kids. We had a big BBQ for the end of youth group for the year. We have some of the best kids around! I'm pretty blessed to be able to learn so much from them each week. 

Today is going to be spent hanging out with Ian and his brother, and getting some last minute things done before our vacation. I am counting down the days (one and a half) until we leave!


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Guest blog

Hello, lovelies.
 I am so excited to announce my first time doing a guest post. I feel honored to have had the privledge to blog over at The Quiet Life of Violet. I've been reading her blog for a long time, and it's one of my favorites. She has an amazing outlook on life, and just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, Roman. He is pretty darn cute. I think you guys will love her blog.  Go check out my post by clicking on the button below....

Floral button160square



Dress- Forever 21
Sweater- Don't remember...
Shoes-Urban Outfitters

I've been wearing dresses nonstop the past few days. Since it's still not quite summer weather, I feel like I can easily throw a jacket or sweater over a dress so it's not too chilly. Plus, I'm having a pants crisis. I have a ton of pants, and none of them fit. Tough, right? Until I can fix the weather, and my pants crisis, pretty dresses and sweaters will have to do. 

I'm off to meet up with a fellow blogger at the Fremont Market. Hope you all have a beautiful sunny Sunday!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Gadgets and Gizmos.

Today I decided I wanted to share some of my favorite things that we have in our apartment. 

My vintage pink couch! I actually got it from my salon when they were redecorating. I love everything about it.
My bride and groom peas in a pod. A dear friend made this for me for my bridal shower. Cute, right?
These wooden letters are some of Ian's favorite things.
This collage of pictures has so many memories attached to it.
We have an icebox in our kitchen. Isn't it awesome? It still works, although we use it for storing things.
I love Audrey. She defined beauty both inside and out. This is hanging by our kitchen table.
My bookshelf. Not that the shelf itself is that great, but I love my books like they were my children.

We love the lobby of our building. It's incredibly tacky, and the best place for awkward pictures.
We're thinking this is the perfect place to take a picture for Christmas cards. 

Hope you enjoyed that little taste of our apartment. It's fun to share my favorite treasures :).

P.s. I apologize for the lack of posts this week. I was starting to have withdrawals from blogging! I'm hoping next week is back to normal.

Have a fabulous Friday night!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


So as you may (or may not) have noticed, I did not do my usual "Beautiful Monday" post yesterday. I don't like excuses, but I was spending the entire day with that bearded man in the picture above (husband>blog post). We stayed in our pajamas until noon, and then shopped and dined the day away. It's funny how sometimes as a married couple you have to catch up with each other. Sure we live together, but we both have very busy schedules. And an evening after work is not always enough. We have to have a day to regroup and enjoy each other's company. 

We rarely get days off together. But when we do, they are pretty wonderful. 

Hope everyone is having an amazing first day of Summer <3.


Sunday, June 19, 2011

I love my dad with all of my heart. He is one of my most favorite people in the entire world. He always has the best advice, and is always making me laugh. He taught me the importance of being independent, and the importance of loving Jesus with all of my heart. He's always pushed me to do my best, and is an inspiring and hardworking business owner. He has a heart for people, and spends so much time doing work for others.

Dad- I hope you have the best day. You deserve a day of drinking your favorite tea, listening to your records, and maybe watching one of your favorite films..."O Brother Where Art Thou?" Love you!

I also want to say Happy Father's day to my Father-in-Law, Will. He is like a second dad to me, and I am SO blessed to have him in my life. 
Yea... I think my dad and father-in-law came up with this picture idea. Awkward family photo, right? They are both a ton of fun :). Pretty sure this is the only semi-serious picture we got on that day. (note my brother-in-law holding the bouquet..) 

Hope you guys have a wonderful day celebrating all of your dads. And to all the dads out there, have a good one!


Saturday, June 18, 2011


Dress- Forever 21
Boots- No idea. But they're a few years old

I think I have an obsession with tights. While most Washington residents will wear their shorts and tank tops when it's 60 degrees, I wear tights. I love summer, but any chance to wear tights will be taken. Also, these boots are some of my favorites. When I was in high school, I played Peter Pan in a musical. I wore amazing ankle boots that were emerald green. Every time I wear these, they remind me of being Peter Pan. It brings back some wonderful memories. I even got to fly. That is if you consider being pulled up and down by a rope flying :).

I hope everyone is having a great weekend. Tomorrow we get to celebrate Father's Day by going to the Washington Brewers Festival. I can't wait!


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summer Goals

I decided that this summer, I needed a few goals set for myself. Whether silly or serious, I love accomplishing things on a list!

1. Read at least 4 books. I love love love to read, but I have been slacking recently due to my recent addictions to the following: Fringe, Pawn Stars, Desperate Housewives, and more Fringe. Seriously, if you don't want to waste away hours trying to figure out what reality you're living in, don't watch it. 

2. Go and see the midnight premiere of Harry Potter. I know, you guys are probably thinking "that is the silliest goal I've ever heard of." But for someone who is as obsessed as I am with HP, it is pretty much the BEST goal of the summer. After all, this is the last time I could ever see a midnight premiere of HP.  I may even make it a goal to wear a scar on my forehead...
p.s. Have you guys seen the latest trailer? It's epic. Go watch it here.

3. Reach 50 followers on my blog. I love blogging, and would most definitely blog even if no one ever followed me. But like any blogger, I would love to increase the amount of people that read my blog on a regular basis. Mostly because I love the blogging community, and I love getting to know new people through their blogs.

4. Successfully create and maintain a budget. Ian and I are starting the Dave Ramsey budgeting system. This guy is incredible. He understands money better than anyone I've ever met or listened to. Since we are still young, we want to really get a hold of our finances so that when it comes time to have babies and/or buy a house, we're able to without stress and panic. Plus, we really want to start tithing and saving regularly. 

5. Become more thrifty and coupon friendly. This kind of follows along with the above goal, but to me seems like it's in a whole other category. I used to love buying things (clothes, especially) at thrift stores when I was a teenager. I somehow fell out of the habit of going to my local thrift stores and finding things. I  would really be able to save a lot of money if I choose to thrift a bit more instead of buying everything new. Also, I think people who are coupon-savy are amazing. 

6. Work out more. This seems to be an ongoing goal of mine that never gets fulfilled. I worked really hard to lose 12 pounds, and now am wanting to shape up a bit! It always seems that I have more motivation to work out in the summer because of the nice weather. I just hope that after this summer, the motivation sticks around. Where's Jillian Michaels when you need her?

So those are the goals for the next three months or so. Do you guys have any summer goals? If so, please share!


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Six feet tall.


  After my first week of posting outfits, I have learned the following:
 -Being a model is sometimes awkward.
-It takes practice to get the right poses/pictures.
- I need to figure out how to use Lightroom.
- I'm insanely pale.
-My husband is very patient with me.
- Sometimes the outfit posts are going to be silly.

Today is one of those "my outfit pictures did not turn out so hot" days. Ever have them?  I couldn't let the somewhat decent pictures go to waste, right? Anyways, these shoes are some of my favorites. I got them at Urban Outfitters a few months ago, and they make me feel six feet tall. I can actually work all day in them without too much pain, or without slipping on some hair and doing a face plant. Which for someone who is as clumsy as I, that is quite impressive.

Happy Tuesday, everyone! 


Monday, June 13, 2011


Hello, my friends! I hope everyone had a wonderful Monday. Today was a bit bittersweet day for me because I had to send my little brother back home to California. But it was a great day, either way! Onto the good stuff....

Here is this weeks beauty product:

 Burt's Bees Radiance Body Lotion

I first heard about this lotion from a beauty guru on YouTube (though I forget who).  This lotion is made to give your skin a beautiful glow, and it does. It has natural mica in it, which creates a beautiful shine when on your skin. It's not chunky glitter or anything too extreme, but it definitely has some noticeable shimmer. According to Burt's Bees website, it has 17 amino acids in it, along with sunflower oil, vitamins, and royal jelly. When I first bought this, I was really nervous that I was going to be rocking the "middle school body glitter" look. But alas, it is SO nice. This is my favorite thing to put on my legs when wearing a skirt or dress. It makes your skin glow, and gives it a hydrated look and feel. It makes my pale skin have a bit of life to it. I can imagine that it would make darker skin looking amazing as well. 
I can't really describe the scent, but it smells great. It's a light scent that is definitely not overwhelming. Maybe the scent is the royal jelly in it? I'm not sure. It absorbs quickly into your skin, so no greasy residue is left behind. It's my absolute favorite summer moisturizer. With all the extra skin exposed in the summer, it's great to know it's glowing! Oh, and on a side note, this also is a great moisturizer to use with sunscreen. I usually mix the two together, or layer it over my sunscreen.

You guys should give this a shot. It's under $10, and can be found pretty much anywhere!

Until tomorrow,


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Mario and Fro-yo.

     Yesterday was the first Saturday I have had off  in a long time. My brother and I spent most of it lounging around, playing Super Mario, and watching Pawn Stars. We laughed so much while playing Mario, it was ridiculous. Sometimes that much laughter is the BEST form of stress relief, don't you agree?  When Ian came home, we ate tacos, walked about a mile to get frozen yogurt at Menchies. Which is my absolute favorite place to go. I figure a two mile trip makes up for the all that sugar. If you live in the area and have not been there yet, you must go! They have a million flavors, and you get to serve yourself. Plus they have about every topping you could ever imagine wanting.
      On our way back to our apartment we stopped at one of the best lookout spots in the city. It over looks pretty much the entire city. I love it. I forget how beautiful Seattle is sometimes. I am so thankful for the day that I had. I needed a day free of responsibility, and full of laughter and joy!

Hope your Saturday was just as wonderful!


Friday, June 10, 2011

Bangs of the day.

                                                 Shirt- H&M
                                                 Skirt- H&M
                                                 Cardigan- H&M
                                                 Earrings-handmade (see pic below)
    Today was spent roaming around downtown with my brother. It was fun being out and about during tourist season. There seems to be a lot more going on, and that makes any trip more exciting. We shopped, ate some lunch, visited the market, and enjoyed people watching. Jake (my brother) was kind enough to take these pictures for me. He even edited them and all that jazz. Having him around is proving to be pretty useful. Plus he cracks me up :).

     Ok, so my bangs are making my eyes look almost nonexistent  in these pictures. I swear my eyes are normal, but sometimes we have to sacrifice no eyes for awesome bangs, right? Lately I have been really having a hard time getting dressed in the mornings. It's a combo between most of my clothes being too big, and the weather being a bit crazy. Do I wear summer clothes? No. Too cold. Do I wear winter clothes? Definitely too hot. I long for the day when the weather makes up its mind.

Here is a close up of the earrings I'm wearing today. I've been slightly obsessed with feather earrings lately. (I wear them pretty much everyday). My dear friend Katrina makes them, and is opening up an online store soon!. Until then, you can contact her on her facebook here.

Happy Friday everyone!
