Thursday, November 11, 2010

Knit-tastic (Thursday)

The past few days have been relaxing. I've done pretty much nothing except for knit, and watch a bit of tv. I am knitting like a maniac! There is just something about this time of year that inspires me to make all sorts of knitted things.

  Ian captured a picture of me in a freshly knitted hat!
     (Excuse the small stain on my jacket.)
     My blog is so beautiful! I really am in love with it. Miss Stephanie, who's blog is here, designed it for me. I am eternally grateful, as my blogging skills are slim to none. Her blog is awesome, she loves life, and is full of inspiration! Check it out!

I will have a lot more free time in the next month or so, and hopefully that means more blogging!



  1. I wish i could knit hats , I can only knit scarves. Do you know any books or anything that explain how to do it simply

  2. I have been knitting like crazy, too!! And I just learned how to knit those cute little flowers :) There is a great book called "Knitting Pretty" that has a bunch of fun and easy projects.

  3. Nic....I pretty much made up my own hat pattern, but I kind try and explain it to you myself. I found a lot of patterns online!

  4. I love the hat! I didn't like knitting.. the whole two needle thing just didn't compute with me... BUT, I must say that knitting is much prettier than crochet work. Keep up the good work!

    Perhaps you can open an etsy store and sell your pretty little hats? :D

  5. that hat looks just like baileys!!! you are a knitting pro!! you would be perfect at Knits-n-Giggles.

  6. i can only knit scarves lol straight line is easy

  7. Violet...that is EXACTLY what I want to do! I am trying to get a bit of an inventory done so I am not completely doing it made to order. Haha!


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