OK, so it's been forever since I've done a little update on my life. I blame life itself, for being so darn busy!
Reading: Insurgent, by Veronica Roth. This is the second book in the Divergent trilogy, and it's freaking amazing! Honestly, I can't put it down. The series is similar to The Hunger Games or The Maze Runner series, but is very unique at the same time. I am pretty bummed that the third book doesn't come out for awhile, and for that reason I'm going to try and avoid finishing the last few chapters too quickly so I don' t have to wait as long!
Watching: The Vampire Diaries Season 3. You guys, I am obsessed. When I first heard about the show, I was like "oh great, another cheesy vampire love triangle story with awful acting." But I was wrong, and I regret ever having those thoughts! The show is completely amazing and addicting. And don't even get me started on the Salvatore brothers..
Listening: I've been loving the new Mumford and Sons album. I especially love the songs "Hopeless Wanderer" and "Below My Feet". If you haven't heard their album yet, you need to go buy it right now!
Listening: I've been loving the new Mumford and Sons album. I especially love the songs "Hopeless Wanderer" and "Below My Feet". If you haven't heard their album yet, you need to go buy it right now!
Planning: Our Halloween party! My sister-in-law and I are throwing a Halloween party next Friday, and I'm really excited for it! I've never really thrown a themed party besides a bridal shower, so I'm pretty nervous about it. I won't lie. We decided to have a costume theme, so we're having every come as their favorite TV or movie character. I have yet to put my costume together. I should probably get on that.
Working On: A lot of crafts! This past month, I've been helping lead a small group at my church called "Pin Your Heart Out". We chose projects from Pinterest, and make them each week! It's been so much fun, but has turned me into even more of a crazy crafter. We actually have a blog here. If you like to make crafts, you can follow along and make them each week with us! Anyways, I've always been a crafter, but this small group has made me a crazy craft lady! I have about five projects going at once, and I'm hoping to have them done before the holidays are here!
Excited For: Christmas! I know, I should just enjoy fall and let it have it's moment, but I can't help it. My heart just belongs to Christmas. I'm already thinking of potential Christmas presents I can make and things to do. It's only about 10 weeks away. So crazy!
Life lately via my iPhone:
2. One of the crafts from my Pinterest small group!
3. I've been wearing this headband non-stop.
4. Just a little leaf garland I made. It's super easy, too!
5. Coffee and big comfy sweaters. Need I say more?
6. Ian and I at the Crosby, Stills, and Nash concert last month.
Hope you enjoyed my little life update!
Happy Tuesday!