Friday, June 29, 2012


Top and pants: H&M/Shoes-Target/Belt-Forever 21

Hooray! I'm finally back to posting outfits! I have really missed doing these posts, and I'm going to try my hardest to do them more often. awesome are these shoes? They were $19.99 at Target. Um, can we take a moment to talk about how awesome Target is? I can't leave Target without buying something I don't need. For example: these shoes. I casually walked through the shoe section, and I swear these babies called my name. So of course I had to try them on, and of course I had to purchase them.
One day, I'll be able to resist the shoe section at Target. One day. 

And in case you guys were wondering, I changed my hair color a few times this month! I really like the new strawberry blonde, although it's been a bit weird to get used to. Also, I shaved part of my hair. You can see it a little bit in the pictures above.
I love it! And yes, I know that I will look CRAZY when I decide to grow it back out. Hopefully I can somehow rock a side mullet (who am I will be ridiculous).

I'll be back soon with a bit of a life update! And I promise that this time, soon will actually be soon. Haha!

Happy Friday!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Grad Weekend

This past weekend I got to visit my family in California for my little brother's graduation. It was warm, sunny, and totally refreshing. I also got to hangout with my best friend, which made my heart SO happy.
I don't know about you, but having a younger sibling graduate high school makes me feel incredibly old. Yet despite feeling sad about my new old lady status, I was so proud to be able to watch my brother graduate. He's an awesome kid, and he's moving up to Washington soon for college. Hooray!

Here are some pictures from the weekend:

1. My parent's dog, Kobe. AKA cutest dog of all time.
2. Oh you know, just riding in the car like a boss.
3. My best friend of 18 years. Love her SO much.
4. My sister twin, Madison, and my best friend Sharla!
5. My brother threw up the District 12 sign at his graduation. Um, coolest brother ever.
6. Sister twins: meaning we're twins...but 9 years apart. It doesn't make sense, but we like it.
7. My siblings and I. 
8. Jake the graduate. Either he's crazy tall, or I'm just short.
9. Sharla, Maddie, and I ran around the park on Saturday. I loved that it was warm enough to be barefoot!
10. My entire family. They are the best.
11. On the way to San Fran with the sister twin!

Oh, and if you were thinking that my best friend and I are probably total dorks, here's a little video to prove it. Watch it here.

I hope your weekend was as wonderful as mine!
Happy Monday!

Monday, June 4, 2012

I dreamed a dream

So, I have a confession.
 I LOVE Les Miserables. I was in the musical when I was high school (I was a lovely lady, of course) and I love the book. 

 I may have watched this trailer like 20 times already.
I may know every word to every song from the musical. 
I may tear up every time I listen to "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables."
I might have explained all of Fantine's story to my husband the other night while he was trying to go to sleep. 
I may have freaked out when I discovered who was playing The Thenardiers in this movie. 

 I may have teared up a bit while watching this trailer. 

And yes, you may now think I'm crazy and obsessed with musicals. 
Which is true.

Just wanted to share this with you guys in case you have not seen it yet. Watch it. You won't regret it, I promise.

Happy Monday!