Happy Valentines Day!
Sorry for the lack of posts this past week. It's been a crazy and hard week for me, so I was having to push blogging aside. Hopefully you all are doing well! I will be back tomorrow with my regular posts and updates!
Love you to all,
Monday, February 14, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Day 8
Day 8: Have a beauty secret (e.g. hair tip, make up tip)? Share, please!
So I'm pretty sure I could write a book full of my favorite beauty secrets and tips. I love them! But here are my top two favorite tips!
Beauty Tip #1:
I put on sunscreen every single day. Doesn't matter if it's rain or shine, it is on my face and neck! And of course on days where my arms/legs are bare, I put it on them as well!
I think people still underestimate the importance of using sunscreen on your skin! I grew up with my mom always reminding me to put it on everyday, and I appreciate it. Not only does it protect against skin cancer, it prevents wrinkles, and keeps your skin beautiful. Sunscreen helps shield collagen and keratin, which are vital for beautiful skin. And if you are as pale as I am, it keeps you from burning in the five seconds you are outside.
Beauty Tip #2
Don't over wash your hair
Since I am a hairstylist, I often get asked if it's a good thing to wash your hair everyday. And no, it is MUCH better to skip a day or two in between. Your scalp produces oils that are really conditioning for your hair, and washing it everyday strips them away. Many people with oily hair don't realize that washing it everyday can be contributing to that. Your scalp starts overproducing oil when it is being taken away all the time. Skipping washing gives your hair more hold and manageability, it maintains your hair color longer, and saves you money on shampoo! Now I don't think everyone is able to do this, as it greatly depends on the hair type, but the majority of people's hair benefits from a shampoo-free day!
Those are my own personal beauty tips! Stay tuned for a post about my updated etsy shop, and the rest of project 31!
Day 2. What makes you uniquely you?
Day 3. Who is someone you know who inspires beauty?
Day 4. Style 31. Post a pic of you in your favorite outfit.
Day 5. Write a blog thanking someone who has made your heart come alive.
Day 9. What virtues do you value in yourself?
Day 10. What is Jesus teaching you as a wife, mom, or friend? (Or just woman in general?)
Day 11. Post a recipe. Or if you don't cook, try a new recipe and write about how it turned out (pictures please!).
Day 12. Write about what wears you out as a woman.
Day 13. Write about something you would like to change about yourself for the better.
Day 14. Style 31. Post an outfit pic!
Day 15. Write to encourage a friend. Inspire her beauty.
Day 16. Write a letter to your daughter, or a young girl in your life. Tell her what beauty means.
Day 17. Write about 3 things that make you happy.
Day 18. Describe your personality.
Day 19. Write about your favorite comfort food (we are women- we ALL have comfort food!)
Day 20. Write about your job and why you love it or hate it.
Day 21. Write a letter to your husband to encourage him (or if you are single- your future husband.)
Day 22. What are some needs that need to be met in your community? Blog about how to extend your hand to those who need you.
Day 23. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?
Day 24. What is Jesus teaching you presently?
Day 25. Style 31. Post a pic of your favorite comfy clothes.
Day 26. What do you hope your grandchildren will say about you someday when you are gone?
Day 27. Write a blog to encourage someone and build their confidence!
Day 28. Write about your insecurities as a woman.
Day 29. Write about "a day in the life of me." (Pics are great!)
Day 30. Who is your role model as a woman?
Day 31. Write about your dreams and goals as a beautiful woman
Monday, February 7, 2011
Weekend/Project 31 Day 7
Hello everyone! Hope you guys had an awesome football-filled weekend. I personally am not a fan of football, but I somehow managed to watch the entire game with my husband's family, and one of my best friends. It was relaxing to just sit and enjoy everyone!
In other news, my birthday is two weeks from today. I will be 23. That sounds so much older than 22, I feel like I am closer to having to actually be a grown up. Boo. I am excited though! I love birthdays...especially my own. Who doesn't?
Anyways, here is day seven of Project 31!
Day 7. Write a blog to encourage another beautiful woman.
This is Madison:

Day 1. What does beauty mean to you?
Day 2. What makes you uniquely you?
Day 3. Who is someone you know who inspires beauty?
Day 4. Style 31. Post a pic of you in your favorite outfit.
Day 5. Write a blog thanking someone who has made your heart come alive.
Day 6. Jaded beauty. Has the world's definition of beauty ever jaded you?
Day 7. Write a blog to encourage another beautiful woman.
Day 8. Have a beauty secret (e.g. hair tip, make up tip)? Share, please!
Day 9. What virtues do you value in yourself?
Day 10. What is Jesus teaching you as a wife, mom, or friend? (Or just woman in general?)
Day 11. Post a recipe. Or if you don't cook, try a new recipe and write about how it turned out (pictures please!).
Day 12. Write about what wears you out as a woman.
Day 13. Write about something you would like to change about yourself for the better.
Day 14. Style 31. Post an outfit pic!
Day 15. Write to encourage a friend. Inspire her beauty.
Day 16. Write a letter to your daughter, or a young girl in your life. Tell her what beauty means.
Day 17. Write about 3 things that make you happy.
Day 18. Describe your personality.
Day 19. Write about your favorite comfort food (we are women- we ALL have comfort food!)
Day 20. Write about your job and why you love it or hate it.
Day 21. Write a letter to your husband to encourage him (or if you are single- your future husband.)
Day 22. What are some needs that need to be met in your community? Blog about how to extend your hand to those who need you.
Day 23. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?
Day 24. What is Jesus teaching you presently?
Day 25. Style 31. Post a pic of your favorite comfy clothes.
Day 26. What do you hope your grandchildren will say about you someday when you are gone?
Day 27. Write a blog to encourage someone and build their confidence!
Day 28. Write about your insecurities as a woman.
Day 29. Write about "a day in the life of me." (Pics are great!)
Day 30. Who is your role model as a woman?
Day 31. Write about your dreams and goals as a beautiful woman
In other news, my birthday is two weeks from today. I will be 23. That sounds so much older than 22, I feel like I am closer to having to actually be a grown up. Boo. I am excited though! I love birthdays...especially my own. Who doesn't?
Anyways, here is day seven of Project 31!
Day 7. Write a blog to encourage another beautiful woman.
This is Madison:

She is my adorable little sister, and she is beautiful inside and out. She has gorgeous naturally red hair, and the cutest orange freckles in the world! She is so sweet, and really truly is an awesome 14 year old.
Always remember what a beautiful girl you are. You light up the room, and are so much fun to be around. As your big sister, I wish I lived near you so I could always be there for any girl problems you might have! Remember that I'll always love you, and that you are an awesome girl. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Always rely on Jesus, and remember He is the one who has made you so beautiful! Love you!
Day 2. What makes you uniquely you?
Day 3. Who is someone you know who inspires beauty?
Day 4. Style 31. Post a pic of you in your favorite outfit.
Day 5. Write a blog thanking someone who has made your heart come alive.
Day 8. Have a beauty secret (e.g. hair tip, make up tip)? Share, please!
Day 9. What virtues do you value in yourself?
Day 10. What is Jesus teaching you as a wife, mom, or friend? (Or just woman in general?)
Day 11. Post a recipe. Or if you don't cook, try a new recipe and write about how it turned out (pictures please!).
Day 12. Write about what wears you out as a woman.
Day 13. Write about something you would like to change about yourself for the better.
Day 14. Style 31. Post an outfit pic!
Day 15. Write to encourage a friend. Inspire her beauty.
Day 16. Write a letter to your daughter, or a young girl in your life. Tell her what beauty means.
Day 17. Write about 3 things that make you happy.
Day 18. Describe your personality.
Day 19. Write about your favorite comfort food (we are women- we ALL have comfort food!)
Day 20. Write about your job and why you love it or hate it.
Day 21. Write a letter to your husband to encourage him (or if you are single- your future husband.)
Day 22. What are some needs that need to be met in your community? Blog about how to extend your hand to those who need you.
Day 23. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?
Day 24. What is Jesus teaching you presently?
Day 25. Style 31. Post a pic of your favorite comfy clothes.
Day 26. What do you hope your grandchildren will say about you someday when you are gone?
Day 27. Write a blog to encourage someone and build their confidence!
Day 28. Write about your insecurities as a woman.
Day 29. Write about "a day in the life of me." (Pics are great!)
Day 30. Who is your role model as a woman?
Day 31. Write about your dreams and goals as a beautiful woman
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Project 31. Day 6
Jaded beauty. Has the world's definition of beauty ever jaded you?
I think this is something every gal has dealt with at sometime or another. I feel like women constantly compare themselves to one another. I admit it, I'm guilty of this! I think when I was in high school, about freshman year, I really was struggling with feeling like I was not cute or beautiful compared to the rest of my friends and fellow students. I wore what I thought was popular, I grew my hair out to look like my friends, and just tried to fit in. The first year or so of high school was a bit rough, I had never gone to a public school before, and going from a class of 14 to about 600 was crazy. But when I hit my sophmore/junior year, I started to realize how awesome it was to have my own style and look. I wore whatever I liked, chopped of my hair (it's been short ever since), and began to care less about what the world and my peers thought of me. I loved the shock of wearing crazy outfits, because in my small town, everything was very cookie cutter. I loved standing out, and not blending in with everyone else. I gained SO much confidence in those years, and was even nominated for "most likely to be a fashion designer." I didn't win, but hey, still counts!
I still struggle with on days with not feeling skinny enough, pretty enough, cute enough. I think that's something women will always struggle with. But I remind myself that people are beautiful when they are just themselves. When the ignore the trends and fashion magazines rules, and just thrive in their own creativity and beauty. I admire women who break the mold, and I remind myself to do the same.
P.S. I do love fashion magazines, I just try to not take them too seriously, haha.
Your friend,
Day 2. What makes you uniquely you?
Day 3. Who is someone you know who inspires beauty?
Day 4. Style 31. Post a pic of you in your favorite outfit.
Day 5. Write a blog thanking someone who has made your heart come alive.
Day 7. Write a blog to encourage another beautiful woman.
Day 8. Have a beauty secret (e.g. hair tip, make up tip)? Share, please!
Day 9. What virtues do you value in yourself?
Day 10. What is Jesus teaching you as a wife, mom, or friend? (Or just woman in general?)
Day 11. Post a recipe. Or if you don't cook, try a new recipe and write about how it turned out (pictures please!).
Day 12. Write about what wears you out as a woman.
Day 13. Write about something you would like to change about yourself for the better.
Day 14. Style 31. Post an outfit pic!
Day 15. Write to encourage a friend. Inspire her beauty.
Day 16. Write a letter to your daughter, or a young girl in your life. Tell her what beauty means.
Day 17. Write about 3 things that make you happy.
Day 18. Describe your personality.
Day 19. Write about your favorite comfort food (we are women- we ALL have comfort food!)
Day 20. Write about your job and why you love it or hate it.
Day 21. Write a letter to your husband to encourage him (or if you are single- your future husband.)
Day 22. What are some needs that need to be met in your community? Blog about how to extend your hand to those who need you.
Day 23. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?
Day 24. What is Jesus teaching you presently?
Day 25. Style 31. Post a pic of your favorite comfy clothes.
Day 26. What do you hope your grandchildren will say about you someday when you are gone?
Day 27. Write a blog to encourage someone and build their confidence!
Day 28. Write about your insecurities as a woman.
Day 29. Write about "a day in the life of me." (Pics are great!)
Day 30. Who is your role model as a woman?
Day 31. Write about your dreams and goals as a beautiful woman!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Project 31: Day 5.
Day 5: Write a blog thanking someone who has made
your heart come alive.
The obvious choice for this someone is my awesome husband, Ian. He is the only one who makes my heart sing!
So here is a small letter, thanking him for making my heart full and alive.
Dear Ian,
Thank you for being such a wonderful husband. Thank you for making me laugh, and for always loving me even when I don't deserve it. Thank you for all the times you tell me how beautiful you think I am. Thanks for listening to me when I complain about silly little things. Thank you for being so calm, when I freak out about everything. Thanks for loving the Lord with all your heart, and for always putting Him first. You are a pretty awesome guy, and I'm glad you are mine. I love you, Mr.
P.S. And thanks for letting me cut off all your hair, I think you are a pretty good looking guy. Especially with your new do.
Yours forever,
Day 1. What does beauty mean to you?
Day 2. What makes you uniquely you?
Day 3. Who is someone you know who inspires beauty?
Day 4. Style 31. Post a pic of you in your favorite outfit.
Day 5. Write a blog thanking someone who has made your heart come alive.
Day 6. Jaded beauty. Has the world's definition of beauty ever jaded you?
Day 7. Write a blog to encourage another beautiful woman.
Day 8. Have a beauty secret (e.g. hair tip, make up tip)? Share, please!
Day 9. What virtues do you value in yourself?
Day 10. What is Jesus teaching you as a wife, mom, or friend? (Or just woman in general?)
Day 11. Post a recipe. Or if you don't cook, try a new recipe and write about how it turned out (pictures please!).
Day 12. Write about what wears you out as a woman.
Day 13. Write about something you would like to change about yourself for the better.
Day 14. Style 31. Post an outfit pic!
Day 15. Write to encourage a friend. Inspire her beauty.
Day 16. Write a letter to your daughter, or a young girl in your life. Tell her what beauty means.
Day 17. Write about 3 things that make you happy.
Day 18. Describe your personality.
Day 19. Write about your favorite comfort food (we are women- we ALL have comfort food!)
Day 20. Write about your job and why you love it or hate it.
Day 21. Write a letter to your husband to encourage him (or if you are single- your future husband.)
Day 22. What are some needs that need to be met in your community? Blog about how to extend your hand to those who need you.
Day 23. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?
Day 24. What is Jesus teaching you presently?
Day 25. Style 31. Post a pic of your favorite comfy clothes.
Day 26. What do you hope your grandchildren will say about you someday when you are gone?
Day 27. Write a blog to encourage someone and build their confidence!
Day 28. Write about your insecurities as a woman.
Day 29. Write about "a day in the life of me." (Pics are great!)
Day 30. Who is your role model as a woman?
Day 31. Write about your dreams and goals as a beautiful woman!
your heart come alive.
The obvious choice for this someone is my awesome husband, Ian. He is the only one who makes my heart sing!
So here is a small letter, thanking him for making my heart full and alive.
Dear Ian,

P.S. And thanks for letting me cut off all your hair, I think you are a pretty good looking guy. Especially with your new do.
Yours forever,
Day 2. What makes you uniquely you?
Day 3. Who is someone you know who inspires beauty?
Day 4. Style 31. Post a pic of you in your favorite outfit.
Day 5. Write a blog thanking someone who has made your heart come alive.
Day 6. Jaded beauty. Has the world's definition of beauty ever jaded you?
Day 7. Write a blog to encourage another beautiful woman.
Day 8. Have a beauty secret (e.g. hair tip, make up tip)? Share, please!
Day 9. What virtues do you value in yourself?
Day 10. What is Jesus teaching you as a wife, mom, or friend? (Or just woman in general?)
Day 11. Post a recipe. Or if you don't cook, try a new recipe and write about how it turned out (pictures please!).
Day 12. Write about what wears you out as a woman.
Day 13. Write about something you would like to change about yourself for the better.
Day 14. Style 31. Post an outfit pic!
Day 15. Write to encourage a friend. Inspire her beauty.
Day 16. Write a letter to your daughter, or a young girl in your life. Tell her what beauty means.
Day 17. Write about 3 things that make you happy.
Day 18. Describe your personality.
Day 19. Write about your favorite comfort food (we are women- we ALL have comfort food!)
Day 20. Write about your job and why you love it or hate it.
Day 21. Write a letter to your husband to encourage him (or if you are single- your future husband.)
Day 22. What are some needs that need to be met in your community? Blog about how to extend your hand to those who need you.
Day 23. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?
Day 24. What is Jesus teaching you presently?
Day 25. Style 31. Post a pic of your favorite comfy clothes.
Day 26. What do you hope your grandchildren will say about you someday when you are gone?
Day 27. Write a blog to encourage someone and build their confidence!
Day 28. Write about your insecurities as a woman.
Day 29. Write about "a day in the life of me." (Pics are great!)
Day 30. Who is your role model as a woman?
Day 31. Write about your dreams and goals as a beautiful woman!
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